Medullary cystic kidney disease (MCKD) is an inherited condition in which cysts in the center of each kidney cause the kidneys to gradually lose their ability to work.
Familial juvenile nephronophthisis; Senior-Loken syndrome
Medullary cystic kidney disease (MCKD) is very similar to the childhood disease familial juvenile nephronophthisis (NPH). Both lead to scarring of the kidney and fluid-filled cavities (cysts) in the deeper parts of the kidney.
In these conditions, the kidneys do not concentrate the urine enough. This leads to too much urine production and the loss of sodium and other important chemicals from the blood.
MCKD occurs in older patients. NPH is found in young children. Both conditions are inherited.
NPH may occur with eye or nervous system problems. MCKD is limited to the kidneys.
Early in the disease, symptoms may include:
Late in the disease, symptoms of kidney failure may develop, which include:
Blood pressure may be low. The skin may be:
Tests that may be done include:
The following tests can help diagnose this condition:
There is no cure for this disease. At first, treatment focuses on controlling symptoms, reducing complications, and slowing the progression of the disease. Because so much water and salt are lost, you will need to drink plenty of fluids and take salt supplements to avoid dehydration.
As the disease gets worse, kidney failure develops. Treatment may involve medications and diet changes, limiting foods containing phosphorus and potassium. You may need dialysis and a kidney transplant.
For detailed information on treatment, see:
Most people with MCKD reach end-stage kidney disease between ages 30 and 50. Lifelong treatment may control the symptoms of chronic kidney disease. The cysts that occur with MCKD may be very small, but large numbers of them can lead to kidney problems.
Call for an appointment with your health care provider if you have any symptoms of medullary cystic disease.
Medullary cystic kidney disease is an inherited disorder. It may not be preventable.
Arnaout MA. Cystic kidney disease. In: Goldman L, Ausiello D, eds. Cecil Medicine. 23rd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap 128.
Torres VE, Grantham JJ. Cystic diseases of the kidney. In: Brenner BM, ed. Brenner and Rector's The Kidney. 8th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap 41.