Intestinal obstruction repair is surgery to relieve a bowel obstruction. A bowel obstruction is when the contents of the intestines cannot pass through and exit the body. A complete obstruction is a surgical emergency.
See also:
Repair of volvulus; Paralytic ileus - repair; Intestinal volvulus - repair; Bowel obstruction - repair; Ileus - repair
Intestinal obstruction repair is done while you are under general anesthesia. This means you are asleep and unable to feel pain.
The surgeon makes a cut in your belly so he or she can see your intestines. Sometimes, the surgery can be done using a laparascope, which means smaller cuts are used.
The surgeon locates the area of your intestine (bowel) that is blocked and unblocks it.
Any damaged parts of your bowel will be repaired or removed. If a section is removed, the healthy ends will be reconnected with stitches or staples. Sometimes when part of the intestine is removed, the ends cannot be reconnected. If this happens, the surgeon will bring one end out through an opening in the abdominal wall. This may be done using a colostomy , ileostomy, or mucous fistula.
The surgeon will also check the blood flow to the rest of the bowel.
This procedure is done to relieve a blockage in your intestine. A blockage that lasts for a long time can interfere with blood flow to the area, which can cause the bowel to die.
Surgery is often needed to treat a bowel obstruction. The type of surgery that is done depends on the cause of the obstruction.
Risks for any surgery include:
Other risks of abdominal surgery include:
How long it takes to recover depends on your overall health and the type of operation.
The outcome is usually good if the obstruction is treated before tissue damage or death occurs in the bowel.
People who have had many abdominal surgeries may form scar tissue. These patients are more likely to have bowel obstructions in the future.
Turnage RH, Heldmann M, Cole P. Intestinal obstruction and illeus. In: Feldman M, Friedman LS, Sleisenger MH, eds. Sleisenger & Fordtran’s Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease. 8th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2006:chap 116.