Intertrigo is inflammation that tends to occur in warm, moist areas of the body where two skin surfaces rub or press against each other. Such areas are called "skin folds."
Intertrigo affects the top layers of skin. It is caused by moisture, bacteria, yeast, or fungus in the folds of the skin. The affected areas of skin are usually pink to brown. If the skin is very moist, it may begin to break down. In severe cases, there may be a bad odor.
The condition is most common in persons who are obese. It may also be seen in people who must stay in bed or who wear medical devices such as artificial limbs, splints, and braces. These devices may trap moisture against the skin.
Intertrigo is common in warm, moist climates.
Losing weight and keeping the body moving can often help. Keeping areas of folded skin open with dry towels or blowing a fan across moist areas can also help. Wear loose clothing.
Call your health care provider if:
Your health care provider can often make the diagnosis by looking at your skin.
Treatment options for intertrigo include:
Habif TM. Superficial fungal infections. In: Habif TP, ed. Clinical Dermatology. 5th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Mosby Elsevier;2009:chap 13.