Separated sutures are abnormally wide spaces in the bony joints of the skull in an infant.
See also: Sutures - ridged
Separation of the sutures
The skull of an infant or young child is made up of bony plates that allow for growth. The borders at which these plates come together are called sutures or suture lines.
In an infant only a few minutes old, the pressure from delivery may compress the head, making the bony plates overlap at the sutures and creating a small ridge. This is normal in newborns. In the next few days the head expands, the overlapping disappears, and the edges of the bony plates meet edge to edge. This is the normal position.
Diseases or conditions that cause an abnormal increase in the pressure within the head can cause the sutures to spread apart. These separated sutures can be a sign of pressure within the skull (increased intracranial pressure).
Separated sutures may be associated with bulging fontanelles. If intracranial pressure is increased a lot, there may be large veins over the scalp.
Contact your health care provider if:
The health care provider will perform a physical exam. This will including examining the fontanelles and scalp veins and feeling (palpating) the sutures to find out how far they are separated.
The health care provider will ask questions about the child's medical history and symptoms, including:
The following tests may be performed:
Although your health care provider keeps records from routine examinations, you might find it helpful to keep your own records of your child's development. You will want to bring these records to your health care provider's attention if you notice anything unusual.